Eating Rituals. Bingeing. Laxatives. Distorted mirrors. Hopelessness. Self-hate/self-doubt. Vomiting. Comparing yourself to others. Distorted or magical thinking about your body. Diets. Advertising. The Scale.
Do you recognize any of these common behaviors, or thinking spirals that conclude that you are “less than” others? Will you spend the precious moments of your life rating yourself on your so-called “flaws,” or on how well you loved, (and yes, that includes yourself!)
There is so much money to be made off of nibbling away at our insecurities: new diets to try and new products to buy. What if we believed that we are beautiful just the way we are? What if you saw yourself the way that others see you? It doesn’t mean you couldn’t work toward changing something so that you’ll feel better or be healthier, but, that you do it in an easeful and accepting way, not in a way that is hurtful or abuse, or that includes magical thinking (e.g., “If I could just drop one dress size, then I could X-Y-Z.”)
A compassionate and knowledgeable therapist can help you explore not only the roots of self-judgment but also will accompany you as you find growing self-love and self-acceptance.
Art therapy and phototherapy are extremely helpful for many people on this journey, and they can serve you too as you face head-on long-standing behaviors and ways of thinking, and as kindness to yourself begins to unfold.
Take just a moment to write down some sources from where you get negative messages about yourself. This could be your family, friends, advertising, etc. These messages were probably received a long time ago and will take some time to excavate, examine and reshape. After each one, could you write one counter-example that invalidates each of those negative messages? Look over all your counter- examples and see if there is one word that encapsulates a quality you’re proud of. Can you take that word and have it be your mantra for a day, just holding close to you and caressing it gently?
I would be happy to hear from you if you’d like to get more information about how art therapy can help you on this journey.